No matter how hot your summers get or how long they remain, Snow Mass can take it. Specially adapted to grow in hot, long-summer climates, this mid-sized honeydew also boasts some of the sweetest flavor to be found in the family. An all-around superb performer, it belongs in your vegetable patch this season.
The fruit is about 6 to 8 inches in diameter and round to oblong. The cream-colored rind is very smooth, opening to reveal light green flesh and a small seed cavity. The flesh is juicy and mouthwatering sweet.
Snow Mass arises on very vigorous vines that set extra-large leaves among the fruit. This provides additional protection from the punishing summer sun.
The yields are excellent and the fruit quality very uniform—you get good melons throughout the long growing season from Snow Mass.
Sow seeds directly in the garden after the soil is thoroughly warm or, for an even earlier harvest, start them indoors in pots. Set out 18 inches apart with 4 feet between each row, or plant in hills 4 feet apart, with 2 to 3 plants per hill. Honeydews are ready to harvest when the fruit turns pale yellow or tan.